An Update From WECARE PRESIDENT Paul Hornby

Greetings everyone, we received some favorable news yesterday when the county's staff report was released in advance of the planning commission meeting next week. Here is the link to the report.

In a nutshell, the staff report states: " Staff recommends that the Local Planning Agency recommend that the BoCC not transmit the proposed Comprehensive Plan land use and text changes with the bases as noted in the staff report."

As I said, this is favorable news, however, doesn't change anything for us relative to our planned actions moving forward. Keep in mind that the Planning Commission still needs to vote on this, and whatever their vote, it will still proceed to the BOCC for a final vote. This is not the time to be complacent, we need a huge turnout at the Wednesday meeting so please keep recruiting friends and neighbors to attend. Click here to view the meeting agenda.

In advance of the Wednesday meeting we will have a demonstration in front of WE from 4-6pm on Monday the 18th. Get the word out and please join even if not for the entire time. Thanks in advance and STAY THE COURSE!!!!!

Paul Hornby


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