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The purpose of this blog is to afford the community an opportunity to voice your thoughts and ideas relative to the current plan to develop the West End golf course. If the current county comprehensive land use plan and zoning designations of West End are changed to Residential, developers plan to construct 487 to 750 new homes, a hotel, and commercial businesses on this critical greenspace. WECARE would like to hear from you! When posting your comments, please be respectful and courteous of others and their respective opinions.
Important Meeting August 13th
Golfers and want to be golfers it is very important that you come to the Tuesday, August 13th meeting (See Attached) and advocate for golf on the former West End Golf Club?
Golf is Not a Fad
The first written records of golf are in the Acts of Scottish Parliament in1457, which banned the playing of golf. People continued to play. By the 16th century, the game was widely played throughout Scotland.
Golf in America became popular in the late 19th century, due to the efforts of influential men, who designed golf courses and promoted tournaments. At the present time, there are over 15,000 golf courses throughout America where men, women and children continue to play the game of golf. Golf has remained popular from 1457 and continues to be a popular recreation in 2024. No, golf is not a fad.
Invitation to the West End Golf Course Community Engagement Meeting on August 13.
Community Engagement Meeting Set for August 13
Community Engagement Meeting
To discuss recreational improvements to the former West End Golf Club
Tuesday, August 13, 2024
6:30-8:30 p.m.
22712 W. Newberry Road
Ag. Extension Auditorium
(Adjacent to UF/IFAS Extension Office)
Hosted by Alachua County Parks & Open Space
This is an opportunity for YOU to voice YOUR opinion on what YOU would like to see on the West End Golf Club property. A West End Community Alliance for Recreation and Education (WECARE) 2022 survey with 377 respondents put walking, golf and biking as the recreational activities they were currently engaged in, 73% would golf if a course was closer to their home. For more information, go to the WECARE website.
Alachua County Commissioners voted to acquire the West End Golf Course
The Alachua County Commissioners voted to acquire the West End Golf Course property at a May 28, 2024 meeting.
The World Masters Athletics, Alachua County and USA Track & Field Indoor Championships will be held at the Alachua County Sports and Events Center and the West End Golf Course property. The property is currently being prepared for the competition which will be held March 23-30, 2025. More information can be found at
Conversion of West End Golf Course to a multi-use park began in June.
Good News for WECARE and Supporters
On Tuesday, May28, 2024 the Alachua County Commissioners voted to purchase the West End Golf Property. The property will become a park with the possibility of public/private enterprises. A WECARE survey of what Jonesville residents would like to see on the property included a 9-hole golf course, driving range, swim facility, a senior center as well as other recreational partnership
To listen to the meeting, click on the link and scroll down to:
3. Option to Accept Assignment of Purchase Contract from Viking Companies for West End Golf Course-24-00443.
Potential Acquisition of West End GC
Members of WECARE met with Svein Dykolbotn, Viking Companies and Anna Prizzia, Alachua County Commissioner on February 2, 2024 to discuss proposed plans for the West End Golf Course. The majority of WECARE supporters had a positive response for the proposed plans.
The article in Mainstreet Daily News gives an overview of those plans.
STAY TUNED for further developments. WECARE is asking for your support and attendance at a community meeting and an Alachua County Commissioner meeting when and if this proposed plan takes place.
Code Enforcement Updates to Nuisance Overgrowth
February 28,2023 Code Enforcement Updates to Nuisance Overgrowth
The Board of County Commissioners of Alachua County, Florida, hereby finds that unkept and excessively overgrown vegetation on a property, including dead or non-viable trees which could fall onto adjacent properties or roadways, can amount to a nuisance, hazard, or a danger, and can pose a risk to the health. safety, and welfare of the citizens and surrounding properties. Such conditions tend to be a breeding place for mosquitoes. vermin, or other pest that are capable of transmitting diseases to humans. create fire hazards, or environmental hazards, or create potential windstorm hazards, or tend to adversely affect and impair the economic welfare of adjacent properties. Abatement of such conditions is hereby found and declared to be a public purpose.
Prohibition. Nuisance overgrowth in excel of twelve (12) inches in height, measured from the soil level, is hereby prohibited on any Improved property, as defined, unless exempted as provided in this article. It is the responsibility of the Owner of the Improved property to mow, cut, and clear nuisance overgrowth.
A complete account of the meeting can be found on the Alachua County Commissioners website, Videos on Demand, Recently Archived Meetings…, February 28, 2023, Item 9 on the agenda, markers 3:50:12 to4:06:10.
Laura Dearinger and Susan Prewit, residents of The Villages of West End, attended the meeting. The West End Golf Course property was discussed. The property is currently listed with Craig Carter for $6.2M.