Important Meeting August 13th

Golfers and want to be golfers it is very important that you come to the Tuesday, August 13th meeting (See Attached) and advocate for golf on the former West End Golf Club? 

Golf is Not a Fad

The first written records of golf are in the Acts of Scottish Parliament in1457, which banned the playing of golf.  People continued to play. By the 16th century, the game was widely played throughout Scotland. 

Golf in America became popular in the late 19th century, due to the efforts of influential men, who designed golf courses and promoted tournaments.  At the present time, there are over 15,000 golf courses throughout America where men, women and children continue to play the game of golf. Golf has remained popular from 1457 and continues to be a popular recreation in 2024.  No, golf is not a fad.

Invitation to the West End Golf Course Community Engagement Meeting on August 13.


Community Engagement Meeting Set for August 13