Hey Students! Want a Multi-Use Park? Come Demonstrate!
Calling All Students from middle schools, highs schools and colleges. If you know a student, please make them aware and encourage them to get involved. The West End Community Alliance for Recreation and Education (WECARE) needs YOU to come to a protest demonstration to keep the West End Golf Course property zoning Recreational. A multi-use, multi-generation park is what all of the communities of the west end want and need for all to enjoy.
Do you want to see continuous development from the city of Gainesville to the city of Newberry? This movement not only affects the older generation, it is YOUR future and YOUR generation who will pay the price. This unfettered development will bring poor health and pollution and cut off the very air we all breathe.
Get out the word. Please show up at the demonstrations in front of the West End Golf Course on Friday, March 4th 8:00-10:00am and 4:00-6:00pm. Stay the Course. YOU will make a difference.