Please Be Ready!
The day before the scheduled hearing before the Alachua County Commission to determine if the West End Golf Course property would remain “Recreation” in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and the zoning not be changed from Recreation to Residential, the developer requested a deferral until all five seats were filled. Governor DeSantis appointed Raemi Eagle-Glenn to fill the vacancy. She will be sworn in on June 28, 2022.
Keep up with the news on Facebook, Word of Mouth and Nextdoor – Friends of West End (FOWE. West End Community Alliance for Recreation and Education (WECARE) news can be found at GoFundMe and As soon as a date for the hearing is announced, be ready to attend. It is so important that you show up and speak up for a multi-generational, multi-use recreational greenspace for all to enjoy.
Stay the Course!
Three generations of Alachua County residents enjoying the green space at West End Golf Course.