Status of Application - Alachua Application Review Process
An amendment to the Alachua County Comprehensive Land Use Plan and rezoning from Recreational to Residential is necessary for the development of the West End Golf Course Property.
1. A neighborhood workshop is held prior to the submittal for rezoning.
July 23, 2020 - A Zoom workshop was held with more than 100 people voicing their opposition.
2. A complete application is submitted to Department of Growth Management.
3. The application is assigned to a planner. If sufficient, the application is scheduled for a Planning Board hearing.
4. A sign is posted on the property.
October 9, 2020 - A deferral was requested by the developer; application is on hold.
5. When/if the application is resubmitted, 15 days before the scheduled hearing before the Alachua County Board of County Commissioners a mailed notice is sent to the surrounding property owners.
YOUR donations are crucial to our success. An attorney, Planner, Traffic Engineer, Environmental Engineer and expert witnesses are expensive and necessary for our success in defeating the amendment and rezoning.
Please donate to GoFundMe WECARE (see link in the footer below) or mail a check to WECARE: West End Community Alliance for Recreation and Education (WECARE) 14260 W Newberry Rd., #129, Newberry, FL 32669.