Can high-density housing and high quality-of-life coexist?
The villages of west end were developed as a Planned Unit Development (PUD) surrounding the West End Golf Course zoned Recreational. In order for the developer, Mr. Sayed Moukhtara, to build up to 750 homes on the property, the 2019-2040 Comprehensive Land Use Plan and the zoning must be changed from Recreational to Residential. The developer received a 60-day deferral which can last up to one year (September 2021) at which time he can resubmit the plan or withdraw.
When the developer resubmits his revised plan to Alachua County Planning and Zoning, we are hopeful the planning commission will take into consideration the welfare of the people and communities affected by changing the Comprehensive Plan and zoning. The Comprehensive Land Use Plan purports to ensure many quality-of-life benefits for higher density developments such as reduced infrastructure costs, public transportation, health benefits of walking, easy access to parks and recreation, areas for community gatherings and events. Moreover, the goal of land use planning according to the American Planning Association is to create convenient, equitable, healthful, efficient and attractive environments for present and future generations. It is abundantly clear that the developer’s plan will not achieve any of these local or national goals for higher density developments.
A sample of what is being built are the barracks-like structures of Tara West End, with front doors opening onto the street and garages with access directly behind curbs and drainage systems. At WECARE, we look at these structures and are surprised that building codes would allow for such haphazard designs. We wonder why it is typically so easy for developers to change zoning ordinances that have existed for decades and so difficult for locals to maintain the integrity of their communities. We believe the that high-density developments surrounding the West End Golf Course were designed to and must continue to coexist with access to recreation spaces, community gathering centers, and other healthy environments that provide a high quality-of-life.
If you share these concerns and beliefs please help. Write to county commissioners, sign the petition, donate, inform your family, friends and neighbors.