Developer Defers Application

At 10:35 this morning WECARE received the following email from Growth Management.

 “The applicant has requested that the item be deferred from tomorrow’s agenda.  It will not be deferred to a time certain as we cannot be sure when we will have another evening agenda free.  It likely will not be until after the summer.  Please let the members of your group know.  We will readvertise and send new mailers whenever it is rescheduled. 

 Thank you.


Jeffrey L. Hays, AICP
Principal Planner
Growth Management
10 SW 2nd Avenue • Gainesville • FL • 32601
352-374-5249 (office)           

PLEASE NOTE: Florida has a very broad public records law (F.S.119).
All e-mails to and from County Officials and County Staff are kept as public records. Your e-mail communications, including your e-mail address, may be disclosed to the public and media at any time.”

There will be NO meeting tomorrow to determine the fate of the West End Golf course property.  I cannot tell you how disappointed I am and surprised that the developer, Sayed Moukhtara, can defer indefinitely for the second time in two years.  This means that we will need to start all over again for thethird time. 


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Keeping West End Green Just Got A Lot Harder