Join The Grass-Roots Movement For Multi-Use Space in Alachua County
Join the cause to keep West End Golf Course designated as recreational space.
Since July 23,2020 when the JBrown Professional Group submitted their application to Alachua County Planning and Zoning for developer Sayed Moukhtara, we have seen the developer withdraw an application and submit a new application. The Planning Commission voted to keep the property Recreational in the Alachua County Comprehensive Plan 2019-2040. The last step in the process was a hearing before the Alachua County Commissioners which was scheduled for May 24, 2022. The developer requested and received a deferral hours before the hearing.
There are 555 Facebook Friends of West End, 250 Nextdoor Friends of West End, 143 GoFundMe donors and followers and many other supporters who are not in a public group. WECARE/FOWE are continuing strong against the development of the West End Golf Course property. Please support our efforts by writing/emailing the Commissioners, keeping up with the news, encouraging your family, friends, neighbors to join our groups and spread the news of a multi-generational, multi-use Recreational green space for all to enjoy.
Stay the Course