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The purpose of this blog is to afford the community an opportunity to voice your thoughts and ideas relative to the current plan to develop the West End golf course. If the current county comprehensive land use plan and zoning designations of West End are changed to Residential, developers plan to construct 487 to 750 new homes, a hotel, and commercial businesses on this critical greenspace. WECARE would like to hear from you! When posting your comments, please be respectful and courteous of others and their respective opinions.

Paul Hornby Paul Hornby

West End Golf Club Code Violations

The $37,500 code violation fines on the West End Golf Club have been reduced to $15,000 IF paid within 30 days from the date of order, April 9, 2022. If not paid by April 9, 2022, the fine will revert to $37,500.

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Paul Hornby Paul Hornby

Don’t Be Fooled

Don’t be fooled by the developer’s (Sayed Moukhtara) offer to give Alachua County 37 acres for a park which, in fact, is three retention ponds and a narrow trail around the perimeter of the property.  He proposes Alachua County will program, improve and maintain the park, which could cost the County $30,000 a year for just maintaining the retention ponds.  Is the County really going to accept this generous offer? 

The traffic from the 140 new homes would empty out onto Newberry Road.  The proposal shows one exit goes through the narrow street in Tara West End, are the resident’s going to allow traffic from 140 homes go through their property?

Mr. Moukhtara’s plan would not have a place for a playground, a dog park, a driving range, putting green, club house bar/grill, after school/senior center or any of the recreational activities that the communities in the west end are asking for.

Get Involved.  Stay the Course!!

In the new proposed plan for the development of West End Golf Course, the “generous” 37 acres carved out as green space consists primarily of retention ponds.

Many residents of Alachua County believe that a park within walking distance would improve their quality of life dramatically.

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Paul Hornby Paul Hornby

WECARE Makes Critical Hire

WECARE has hired Professor Thomas Hawkins (Juris Doctor, Emory University School of Law) of the UF College of Design, Construction and Planning, Dept. of Urban and Regional Planning to represent us in our fight to keep the West End Golf Course Recreational.

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Paul Hornby Paul Hornby

Lien On the West End Golf Property Due to Potentially Dangerous Neglect

The prosecution costs of $210 have been paid on the West End Golf Club, Inc., Case #SM21-060.  The remaining lien on this property is $37,500.  This violation is in compliance, so the daily fines are no longer accruing. 

The owner has asked for the fines to be reduced.  The fines should NOT be reduced.  The owner has ignored all resident concerns regarding fire, safety and dangerous trees that threaten homes on the golf course.  Residents of all the communities surrounding the golf course are paying for mowing on the golf course fringe.  The five-foot high weeds and dead trees so close to the homes, if not mowed, could cause a devastating fire.  

A hearing will be held on Thursday, March 3, 2022 at 9:00 am in the County Administration Building, located at 12 SE 1st Street, Room 209.  The West End Golf Club item is #5.  Please try to attend this hearing. 

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Paul Hornby Paul Hornby

Parks Map Reveals Lack of Green Space in Western Alachua County

Map showing 0 Parks near Newberry

A map of parks in Alachua County suggests that little thought has been given to recreational space for the communities west of I-75. Converting West End Golf Club into a multi-use green space would solve a critical unmet need for the residents of West Alachua County.

Citizens of Alachua County, which includes all of the communities west of I-75, pay exorbitant property taxes.  What have we gotten?  Unfettered development, crowded roads, pollution, and only 2 parks out of 10, the Alachua County Mark S. Hopkins (Pocket) Park and Veterans Memorial Park.  These parks are located nearly 7 miles away from all of the communities within a 2-mile radius of the West End Golf Course.  You can not walk to these parks, there is no public transportation to these parks, to get to these parks, you must drive. 

Please write/email the Alachua County Commissioners and let them know that the West End Golf Course should remain a multi-generational, multi-use green space for all to enjoy.

Alachua County Commissioners
12 SE 1st Street, 2nd Floor
Gainesville, FL  32601
Cc:  Gerry Brewington, Sr. Planner

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Paul Hornby Paul Hornby

Hey Students! Want a Multi-Use Park? Come Demonstrate!

Calling All Students from middle schools, highs schools and colleges. If you know a student, please make them aware and encourage them to get involved. The West End Community Alliance for Recreation and Education (WECARE) needs YOU to come to a protest demonstration to keep the West End Golf Course property zoning Recreational. A multi-use, multi-generation park is what all of the communities of the west end want and need for all to enjoy.

Do you want to see continuous development from the city of Gainesville to the city of Newberry?  This movement not only affects the older generation, it is YOUR future and YOUR generation who will pay the price.  This unfettered development will bring poor health and pollution and cut off the very air we all breathe. 

Get out the word. Please show up at the demonstrations in front of the West End Golf Course on Friday, March 4th 8:00-10:00am and 4:00-6:00pm. Stay the Course. YOU will make a difference.

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Paul Hornby Paul Hornby

John Henderson and Douglas Ray Write in the Gainseville Sun About the Need for Greenspace

A recent article in the Gainesville Sun by John Henderson and Douglas Ray “Market shifts spur rise of luxe apartments life outside city center” makes the case for the increased need for recreational greenspace between NW 122nd Street (Parker Road) and NW 143rd Street (Publix Shopping Center).  There are 300 apartments in the Nobel development, 255 units in the Gathering with 255 units, Oakmont has plans for 999 homes and 500 more homes are planned for the property behind the Publix on 143rrd Street.

The article does not mention the over 1,500 units already under construction, Buchanan Trails with 80 units that are in the works behind the Villages of West End North, with all traffic flowing through the Villages of West End and Arbor Greens and another planned development on Newberry and Parker roads with 233 units.  A Neighborhood Workshop is scheduled for February 28, 2022.     

The communities between Ft. Clarke Blvd. and 143rd Street need recreational green space for outdoor activities.  The West End Golf Course development, Tara Club, 140 units, is before Alachua County Planning and Zoning and very soon will be before the County Commissioners.  Please help keep this property zoning Recreational for all to enjoy.  Let Planning and Zoning and the County Commissioners know that you want them to vote NO on the amendment to the Alachua County Land Use Plan and NO on the rezoning of the West End Golf Course property from Recreational to Residential.

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